Shalom, I’m Hazzan Friedman!
“Dedicated Cantor committed to instilling pride and knowledge of Jewish music, culture and tradition.”
Full-time Cantor involved in all aspects of congregational life from ritual to pastoral. Responsible for maintaining congregational continuity in prayer services, administration of B’nai Mitzvah Training Program, Peer Tutoring and Tutor Development Programs (Beit Midrash), T’fillah Skills Program (T’fillah Troupe and Ashrei Academy, Musaf Meyvin), Zimriyah (young Adult) and Mah’keilah (Adult) Choral Artistic Director, Religious School T’fillah Programming, Lay Torah Reading Program (Yad Squad, Troga, torahreaders.net, troptrainer.com), Annual Cantors Concert Fund Raiser, TRZ Talent Show, Torah Fund Play Participation, Summer Concert Under the Stars and much more. I am a dedicated member of the Cantors Assembly and love spending time with my family and friends.

Some Words of Wisdom from Hazzan Friedman
Since the year 2000 I have dedicated my life to the Cantorial Arts and utilizing my unique skill sets attained while working as a professional actor, singer, director, and producer to enhance the lives of those congregants to whom I serve using music, teaching, and creating innovative “prayer experiences.”
Deeply respectful of nusach b’tefillah, I strive to balance the over 2,000-year-old grand tradition of the Hazzan with that of a hazzon (visionary) toward inspirational davening utilizing traditional modes and motifs while introducing contemporary melodies.
I enjoy creating unique prayer experiences steeped in tradition yet forward thinking to inspire cross-generational participation. My passion lies in engaging and building a sense of community, teaching davening, Mussar, Torah chanting and transmitting the joy I feel everyday living a “Jewish life.”

Contact Hazzan Friedman
Use this page to contact Hazzan Daniel Eli Friedman.
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