With the explosion of the Jewish camp movement in the mid 20th century came the “song-leader” who began using the…
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Diversity in the expression of musical sensibilities is foundational in my approach to inspiring through music. The lexicon of synagogue music is vast and varied. From the classic world of composers like Sultzer, Kousevitski, Rosenblatt, and Alter to contemporary writers like Finkelstein, Taubman Recht, Friedman, and Nelson, there is an inspiring sound for any sensibility. I pride myself in the ability to navigate through this endless library of styles as a “toolbox” of inspiration. Ever mindful of the grand tradition of the Hazzan, constantly willing to explore and adapt to new trends, here are a few samples for your enjoyment.
Classic Recordings
What one defines as “classic” Hazzanut is forever debatable. I identify this style by the use of ancient modes and…
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